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STD 8 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class.

STD 8 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class.


STD 8 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class:

Watch SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Video For STD 8. SSA Gyansetu Videos For STD 8. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Videos For STD 8. Watch all the episodes|videos from the links given below. Regarding the program "Bridge Course - Class Readiness: Gyansetu" for the students of Std. 1 to 10. According to the subject and context, last year due to the Corona epidemic, students undertook a study under "Home Learning". "Home Learning" program was run through youtube, WhatsApp, Gujarat Virtual School (GVS) as well as Home Learning Literature.

Because of COVID 19 educational institutions like schools, colleges are remaining closed right now. Summer Vacation has ended on 7 June 2020. As the schools are not opening right now so The Educational Department Of the Government Of Gujarat has initiated a program for students named Home Learning. 

STD 8 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e class YouTube Online Class

Also Read, Download STD 8 Textbook PDF: CLICK HERE

STD 8 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 8 Gyansetu Bridge-Course  Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video Video For STD8. STD 8 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video 

As decided Home Learning Content is available on DD Girnar. GCERT and the team have prepared video content for the students of STD 3 to 8, and 9 to 12. The video content is available on DD Girnar Channel. The students can get the education live on their TV sets on DD Girnar Channel. 


Why is school important? I'm going to give you five totally serious reasons! Welcome back to CapOhTV, the channel where we know school is a joke and you don't want to be the punchline! If this is your first time here and you like that message, make sure you hit the SUBSCRIBE button before this video ends. Let's talk about why school is important. Now, you may notice that in the title I have quotation marks around important. Quotation marks usually signify sarcasm. And also the subtitle: five totally serious reasons why school is important.

STD 8 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e class YouTube Online Class

Also Read: STD 8 Gyansetu Video Full Playlist: CLICK HERE

STD 8 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 8 Gyansetu Bridge-Course  Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video Video For STD8. STD 8 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video 

It's just for goofs. But guess what? In every goof, there's a little bit of truth. And CapOhTV is all about speaking the truth. Are you ready? Here we go! Number one! School is important because you have to learn to think like a group. Yes, that's right, school is the conformity factory. You go in, you're told to do this, you're told to do that and you have to be just like everybody else. If you stand up, you're told to sit down. You have to do what everyone else does. You have to do the same worksheet, you have to learn the same math, You have to learn the same way to use the bathroom. Um... well... maybe... in this culture we have.

Also Read Gyansetu Time Table: CLICK HERE

The point is, school is all about conformity, the school doesn't want anyone to rock the boat, They want everyone to be nice and level-headed and that's why school is important. Number two! Why is school important? Because if you fail school, then you'll be a failure in life. That's right, folks, if you fail school, you ain't goin' nowhere in life. And I said, "ain't!" How bout that? The idea is if you aren't doing well in school and you aren't getting good grades, then you must be defective and you must have a problem and therefore no one is ever going to hire you for a job and you can never accomplish anything in life. 

Also Read: Home Learning July 2021 Time Table: CLICK HERE

STD 8 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 8 Gyansetu Bridge-Course  Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video Video For STD8. STD 8 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu  Home Learning Video 

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