STD 4 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class.
STD 4 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class.
STD 4 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube Online Class:
Watch SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Video For STD 4. SSA Gyansetu Videos For STD 4. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Videos For STD 4. Watch all the episodes|videos from the links given below. Regarding the program "Bridge Course - Class Readiness: Gyansetu" for the students of Std. 1 to 10. According to the subject and context, last year due to the Corona epidemic, students undertook a study under "Home Learning". "Home Learning" program was run through youtube, WhatsApp, Gujarat Virtual School (GVS) as well as Home Learning Literature.
Because of COVID 19 educational institutions like schools, colleges are remaining closed right now. Summer Vacation has ended on 7 June 2020. As the schools are not opening right now so The Educational Department Of the Government Of Gujarat has initiated a program for students named Home Learning.
Also Read, Download STD 4 Textbook PDF: CLICK HERE
STD 4 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e class YouTube Online Class
STD 4 Gyansetu Video. STD 4 Gyansetu Bridge-Course Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Video For STD 4. STD 4 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Video.
As decided Home Learning Content is available on DD Girnar. GCERT and the team have prepared video content for the students of STD 3 to 8, and 9 to 12. The video content is available on DD Girnar Channel. The students can get the education live on their TV sets on DD Girnar Channel.
Everyone agrees that education is hugely important The thing is we're not particularly sure what we want from it The aim of education should be to prepare us for the challenges of adult life Yet from this perspective it's clear that schools fail all but for tiny portions of their students Whether in highly academic private schools Or in deprived government-run ones trouble-dealing with life's challenges remains very widespread indeed Human ingenuity, energy, goodwill, and talent is being lost on an industrial scale to get more ambitious about education doesn't necessarily mean spending more money building more schools, employing more teachers or making exams more difficult Rather, it should mean focusing more on the real purpose of education There are two fundamental tasks it should help us with: working and sustaining good relationships.
STD 4 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 4 Gyansetu Bridge-Course Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video Video For STD4. STD 4 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video
Also Read: STD 4 Gyansetu Video Full Playlist: CLICK HERE
In order to address these needs a future national curriculum might specify that the following subjects be studied Firstly, capitalism A conspiracy of silence exists around the economic system we live within We find it hard to change its bad sides or defend its strengths because we simply don't fully understand how it works A subject like maths should be geared to teach its number one utility for 99% of the population dealing with money Such classes would demystify the global economy by teaching students the importance of the means of production and how profits are made The role of cash flow, HR leadership, marketing, and competition would also be studied In a perfect school system you'd also then study a really big second subject yourself Young students would be introduced to the idea that we humans are extremely prone to misunderstanding ourselves.
STD 4 Home learning Videos | Gyansetu Videos | Gujarat e class YouTube Online Class
They would be taken through the concepts of delusion, defensiveness projection and denial in everyday life Individual tutors would be on hand to help students towards personality maps with particular attention paid to their neurosis and fears Doing this would ensure that students learn a lot about how complex they truly are and what types of people they would be best suited to hang out with A crucial unit would be devoted to career self-knowledge. What job are you best suited to? Students would spend three hours a week exploring what they might do with their futures Then we would study relationships Being intensely aware of the social and individual cost of every unhappy relationship.
STD 4 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 4 Gyansetu Bridge-Course Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video Video For STD4. STD 4 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video
Also Read Gyansetu Time Table: CLICK HERE
An ideal education system would emphasize the acquisition of skills that help people to live better together There would be units on kindness and forgiveness as well as on anxiety-reduction techniques In this educational utopia it wouldn't only be children who would go to school but adults as well Schooling would be for life Education wouldn't just be taking place in classrooms media and the arts would be made to maximize their teaching potential and help to teach people what they actually need to learn We're so hung up on the challenges of running a massive education system we're failing to pinpoint the real source of its problems These are primarily about money, salaries or discipline These are only a consequence of a more fundamental problem Right now and with no-one quite meaning for this to happen we've simply got the wrong curriculum.
STD 4 Gyansetu | Home Learning Video. STD 4 Gyansetu Bridge-Course Home Learning Video Video. SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video Video For STD4. STD 4 SSA Gujarat Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Home Learning Video
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To Watch Home Learning Videos: CLICK HERE
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Date-wise Bridge-Course Class Readiness Gyansetu Video links are given below.
10/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati Ep 1: CLICK HERE
11/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths Ep 1: CLICK HERE
12/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati Ep 2: CLICK HERE
14/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths Ep 2: CLICK HERE
15/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati Ep 3: CLICK HERE
16/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
17/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
18/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
19/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
21/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
22/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
23/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
24/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
25/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
26/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
28/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
29/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
30/06/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
1/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
2/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
3/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
5/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
7/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
8/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
9/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
10/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
12/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
13/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
14/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
15/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
15/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
16/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Maths: CLICK HERE
17/07/2021 Gyansetu Video Gujarati: CLICK HERE
- Home Learning Videos 2021-22:
- July 2021
22/07/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
23/07/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
24/07/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
26/07/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
27/07/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
28/07/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
29/07/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
30/07/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
31/07/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
- August 2021 Home Learning Videos:
2/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
3/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
4/08/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
5/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
6/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
7/08/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
9/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
10/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
11/08/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
12/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
13/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
14/08/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
17/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
18/08/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
19/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
21/08/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
23/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
24/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
25/08/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
26/08/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
27/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
28/08/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
31/08/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
- September Home Learning Videos:
1/09/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
2/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
3/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
4/09/2021 JS:. CLICK HERE
6/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
7/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
8/09/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
9/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
11/09/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
13/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
14/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
15/09/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
16/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
17/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
18/09/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
20/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
21/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
22/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
23/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
24/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
25/09/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
27/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
28/09/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
29/09/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
30/09/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
- October Home Learning Videos:
1/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
4/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
5/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
6/10/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
7/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
8/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
9/10/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
11/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
12/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
13/10/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
16/10/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
18/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
20/10/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
21/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
22/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
23/10/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
25/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
26/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
27/10/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
28/10/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
29/10/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
30/10/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
- November Home Learning Videos:
23/11/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
24/11/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
25/11/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
26/11/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
27/11/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
29/11/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
30/11/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
- December Home Learning Videos:
1/12/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
2/12/2021 Hindi: CLICK HERE
3/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
4/12/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
6/12/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
7/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
8/12/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
9/12/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
10/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
13/12/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
14/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
15/12/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
16/12/2021 Hindi: CLICK HERE
17/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
18/12/2021 JS: CLICK HERE
20/12/2021 Gujrati: CLICK HERE
23/12/2021 English: CLICK HERE
24/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
27/12/2021 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
28/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
29/12/2021 EVS: CLICK HERE
30/12/2021 Hindi: CLICK HERE
31/12/2021 Maths: CLICK HERE
- January Home Learning Videos:
1/1/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
3/1/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
4/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
5/1/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
6/1/2022 Hindi: CLICK HERE
7/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
8/1/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
10/1/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
11/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
12/1/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
13/1/2022 English: CLICK HERE
15/1/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
17/1/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
18/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
19/1/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
20/1/2022 Hindi: CLICK HERE
21/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
22/1/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
24/1/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
25/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
27/1/2022 English: CLICK HERE
28/1/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
29/1/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
31/1/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
2/2/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
3/2/2022 Hindi: CLICK HERE
4/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
5/2/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
7/2/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
8/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
9/2/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
10/2/2022 English: CLICK HERE
11/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
12/2/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
14/2/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
15/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
16/2/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
17/2/2022 Hindi: CLICK HERE
18/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
19/2/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
21/2/2022 Gujarati: CLICK HERE
22/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
23/2/2022 EVS: CLICK HERE
24/2/2022 English: CLICK HERE
25/2/2022 Maths: CLICK HERE
26/2/2022 JS: CLICK HERE
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